Fennel oil vs. aloe vera gel: Which is better in treating diabetic sores?

Diabetics are twice more likely to develop foot ulcers. Some of the most common natural treatments for foot ulcers are fennel oil and aloe vera gel. A study conducted by researchers from Jenderal Soedirman University compared these two using in vivo experiments to determine which is more effective between them.

  • Foot ulcers are complications that arise in 9.1 to 26.1 million diabetic patients. Approximately 20 percent of these cases would worsen to a point that amputation would be required.
  • There are many advanced therapies for foot ulcers, such as negative pressure therapy and hyperbaric oxygen, but these are inaccessible to patients in developing countries.
  • Natural products, like fennel oil and aloe vera gel, are used as low-cost yet effective treatments when advanced therapies are unavailable.
  • Animal models used for the study were male Wistar rats with alloxan-induced diabetes.
  • Assessment of the fennel oil and aloe vera gel efficacy was done by inflicting wounds on the rats then applying the treatments on these wounds for seven days. Researchers considered wound area and wound closure as the basis for efficacy.

Although fennel oil and aloe vera gel are both effective treatments for foot ulcers, the results of the study showed that aloe vera is the better treatment. This was based on the smaller wound area and reduced inflammation in aloe vera-treated rats.

Read the full text of the study at this link.

Learn more about the use of fennel oil and aloe vera gel for treating diabetic sores by visiting DiabetesCure.news today.

Journal Reference:

Sari Y, Purnawan I, Kurniawan DW, Sutrisna E. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF NIGELLA SATIVA OIL GEL AND ALOE VERA GEL ON WOUND HEALING IN DIABETIC RATS. Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine. 2 May 2018;23. DOI: 10.1177/2515690X18772804

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